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Terms & Conditions

Booking Terms (click for more info)



Charter Party (Contract)


Below are the terms & conditions found in the charter party document:




1. The signature of this Agreement by the Owner and/or his Agents becomes valid and binds the Owner to his obligations hereinafter mentioned only on condition that the Owner receives the sums of the payments as indicated, no later than the specified times and amounts sent on the Booking Confirmation. 



2. The owner agrees:

a. The owner agrees: following full payment of the charter price, deliver the Yacht to the Charterer at the commencement of the charter period, at the agreed embarkation port, without crew, free of encumbrance, cleaned, with all the gear, equipment and inventory listed in Owner’s written quotation, in seaworthy and adequate condition as per flag state requirements and with all safety equipment as required by the Yacht’s registration authority. The Yacht is a recreational vessel and not a cruise ship and the Owner does not warrant neither her use and comfort in bad weather conditions, nor feasibility of itinerary for all cruises and passages within the cruising area.



b. To insure the Yacht and her equipment in accordance with the requirements under Greek law and against fire, marine and collision risks and third party damage and against any and all loss or damage to the Yacht and the Charterer shall therefore be relieved of any and all liability which is covered by the said Policy, provided that such loss or damage is not caused or contributed to by any act of negligence or wilful misconduct on his part. The owner shall not be under any liability for the loss or damage to the personal property of or for any injury to the Charterer or any person on board. The Owner's insurance does not include any charter cancellation (including but not limited to cancellation by Charterer, or due to travel restrictions to the base or due to weather conditions) or skipper insurance cover. We advise all clients to ensure they have what they deem necessary in addition to the above as insurance for their holiday.



Delayed Delivery    


c. To employ every reasonable effort to ensure delivery of the Yacht on the agreed date and place mentioned in front page, but if for any cause whatsoever the yacht shall not be available, the Charterer shall have the right of choice of one of following possibilities:

I. Provided that the following charter commitment of the Yacht allows it and that the Owner agrees, to prolong the period of charter by the same length of time by which the delivery has been delayed. 

Excess Delay    


II. To leave the date of termination unchanged and to be refunded by the Owner with an amount proportional to the time by which delivery was delayed at the rate corresponding to the agreed total charter fees.

III. If the delay of delivery exceeds one fourth (1/4) of the total charter time, to cancel this Agreement and be refunded by the Owner with the total amount paid for this charter. In any of the events mentioned in this Clause, neither party shall be liable to pay to the other any other compensation for any loss or damage resulting from the curtailment or the cancellation of this Agreement


IV. To accept a similar yacht suggested by the owner. It is clearly agreed that lacking a substitution vessel does not constitute breach of terms by neither the Owner nor the Agents.

Redelivery (Return of the Yacht and Delays)


3. The Charterer agrees:

a. To redeliver the Yacht to the Owner at the agreed date, time and place, together with all her equipment, in the same good condition as she was at take-over. If he shall for any reason, weather conditions included, fail to deliver the Yacht at the aforesaid date and time, to pay to the Owner demurrage at the rate of the charter price per day of this Agreement increased by fifty percent (50%), for every day of fractional part of a day thereafter until delivery has been effected. If he leaves the Yacht at any place other than the place designated in this Clause, to pay to the Owner all expenses involved in transferring the yacht to the place of redelivery and pro-data demurrage as above for the number of days required for this transfer, as well as for any loss or damage which may occur on or to the Yacht until she has been taken over again by the Owner. 

Security Deposit Options

b. To choose one of the two following Security deposits (also see section 14 below on 'Security Deposit Payment')

I. Refundable Security Deposit. 

To leave on deposit and as guaranty with the Owner on taking over the Yacht the amount indicated in the published price list, to meet in whole or in part any claim by the Owner in respect of any loss or damage to the Yacht and/or her equipment and for any claim by the Owner in respect of the provisions of Clause 3 (a) above.

The aforesaid deposit shall be refunded to the Charterer, subject to the provisions above, after inspection of the Yacht, her gear and her inventory by the Owner.

II. Damage / Loss Waiver.

Damage/Loss Waiver    


To pay a) Damage/Loss Waiver as per the published pricelist and b) at the same time to leave a reduced Refundable Security Deposit as per the published price list. With the Damage/Loss Waiver the charterer‘s liability for loss or damage to the yacht is restricted to the amount of the paid security deposit, with the following exceptions:

- Any loss or damage caused by gross negligence by the charterer and/or his party or willful default on his part
- Any loss or damage caused to the boat or her equipment by the charterer or any member of his/her party while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics

Alike to the normal refundable deposit, the reduced Refundable Security deposit is also to meet in whole the cost of returning the boat to her prearranged harbor if the charterer fails to do so by the scheduled date and time and the cost of refuelling if the boat is returned without refilled tanks.

The payment of either the Refundable Security Deposit (I), or the Damage / Loss Waiver (II), is designed to cover only one incident of a substantial nature at any one time, viz: in case of loss or damage to equipment of significant value such as outboard engine or dinghy, the charterer will have the right to an immediate replacement whilst on charter, provided that the charterer pays a new Refundable Security Deposit immediately upon receipt of replacement or repair.

Restrictions in the Use of the Yacht and Cruise Limits     


c. Not to use the Yacht for racing unless different is agreed and described on the front page Charter Conditions and a Racing Risk insurance is paid, or the towing other craft, except in emergency or generally for any purpose other than that of private pleasure of the Charterer and his party which should include not less than one (1) qualified skipper and one (1) experienced crew member, but not more than the mentioned in the Charter conditions in front page number, in all at sea, or to accommodate aboard any person other than those shown on the crew/passenger manifest nor to take the Yacht or permit her to be taken outside the area of the Greek seas nor to sublet the Yacht without the written consent of the owner.


Observance of Customs and Diving Laws  


d. Not to allow any person on board to commit any act contrary to the customs laws of Greece or of any country or contrary to the laws pertaining to fishing or under water fishing nor to seek and/or take possession of objects or archaeological nature or value and that in case any such act is committed this Agreement shall thereupon terminate, but without prejudice to any rights of the Owner and that the Charterer shall carry alone any resulting responsibilities and he shall answer alone to the appropriate Authorities.

Agreement for Towing the Yacht 


e. To take every possible preventive measure and precaution to avoid to bring the Yacht in any condition in which the Yacht will need to be towed to any point by another vessel, but Towing the Yacht should such a necessity arise, in spite of the Charterer’s efforts, to notify immediately the Owner and if such a contact is impossible to negotiate and agree with the captain of the other vessel on the price to be paid, before allowing the yacht to be towed. 



f. Not to leave a port or anchorage if the harbor Authorities have imposed a prohibition of sailing or while the yacht has unrepaired damage or without sufficient reserves of fuel or in general, when weather conditions or the state of the Yacht or its crew or a combination of them concerning the safety of the Yacht and her crew is doubtful. 

Restrictions In Leaving Port and Navigation Yacht Log     


g. Not to sail the Yacht in any area not sufficiently covered by the charts at his disposal or without having previously studied the charts of the area and other printed aids on board thoroughly, not to sail the Yacht at night without all navigation lights functioning.


h. not to leave a port or anchorage if the wind force is or predicted to be over six (6) of the Beaufort Scale or if the Port Authorities have imposed a prohibition of sailing or while the Yacht has unrepaired damage or any of her vital parts such as engine, sails, rig, bilge pump, anchoring gear, navigation lights, compass, safety equipment, etc. are not in good working condition or without sufficient reserves of fuel or in general, when weather conditions or the state of the Yacht or her crew or a combination of all are doubtful considering the safety of the Yacht and her crew


i. To keep the Yacht’s Log Book up to date, noting each day the port of call, the state of the Yacht and its equipment, any change in the composition of the crew when at sea, regularity, the times position, weather conditions, sail plan and hours of engine operation.



j. To plan and to carry out the Yacht’s itinerary in such a manner as to reach the port of call farthest away from the point at which the Yacht must be returned to the Owner (Turn-Around Point) within the first one third (1/3) of the charter period and that two days prior to the termination of the charter the yacht’s port of call shall lie at a distance not greater than forty (40) N.M. from the point at which the Yacht is to be returned to the Owner. 

Reports of Yacht Position  


k. To report by telephone or digital means to the Owner at reasonable intervals the position and state of the Yacht and of her passengers, as well as in the event of any damage to the Yacht.


Charterer’s Sailing Qualifications   

IT IS HEREBY FURTHER AGREED by and between the parties hereto:

4. This agreement is entered into on the basis of the sailing competence of the Charterer or his skipper, verified by official certification. In the event of misinterpretation, the Owner shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith and retain the Charter fees. 


Proof of competency:


a. At least one sailing certificate is compulsory to charter bareboat in Greece and the original must be presented to the base or local authorities. ​


b. Additionally, one crew member will be declared as co-skipper, by either providing an equivalent certificate as the skipper or signing a statement declaring his or her nautical experience.


c. This Agreement is entered into on the basis of the Charterer’s certification and competence in sailing, seamanship and navigation warrantied by him and in the event of any error, omission or misinterpretation in this respect being subsequently discovered, the Owner shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith and to retain all amounts payable by Charterer under the provisions of this Agreement. ND Sails does not take responsibility for rejected skipper certifications

Test of Sailing Competence of Charterer and his Crew    


5. The Owner (or his representatives) may require the Charterer and his crew to demonstrate their competence in handling and navigating the yacht safely by actually operating the yacht at sea with the Owner (or his representative) aboard and should the Charterer and/or his crew fail to satisfy the Owner in this respect, the Owner may terminate this Agreement as stated in Clause (4) above or place aboard the yacht a skipper if available, accepted by both the Owner and the Charterer, at the expense of the Charterer, for as many days as the Owner will consider necessary for the safety of the yacht and her passengers. Any time required for this test of the Charterer’s competence and seamanship will be part of the agreed Charter period. 


Take-Over of the Yacht & Time required for it    


6. The delivery of the Yacht to the Charterer will be made at the commencement of the charter period as agreed. The time required to demonstrate the yacht to the Charterer and to familiarize him with her should be part of the agreed charter time. The free use of the Yacht will be granted to the Charterer after he has signed the Take-Over form.

7. Before signing the aforesaid form, the Charterer shall have the right to inspect the yacht, her gear and her inventory thoroughly to ascertain that all are available and in good working condition, except as may be noted thereon, but the signature of the Take-Over form by the Charterer shall be deemed to imply acceptance of the yacht which thereafter will be in the Charterer’s full responsibility and the Charterer shall have no right to claim for any loss of time or expense occasioned by any accident or breakdown or failure of any part of the Yacht. 

Acceptance of the Yacht Charterer’s Responsibility and Running Expenses 


8. After take-over, expenditures for port-dues, water, fuels, oils and any other stores required, as well as the repair of any damage or failure that may occur while the yacht is in the Charterer’s responsibility and which are not the result of normal and natural wear shall be made by the Charterer at his expense, provided that he previously obtained the consent of the Owner for the technical suitability of the repair to be made. In the case of repairs of damages or failures resulting clearly from normal and natural wear, the Charterer shall previously obtain the Owner’s consent with regard to the cost and technical suitability of these repairs and the Charterer shall collect the pertinent receipts against which he shall be refunded by the Owner at the end of the charter. It is well understood that if necessary by the nature and extent of repairs required then Charterer shall in due time return the vessel to appropriate repair site and evacuate her so that repairs can be completed in-time and neither Owner nor Agents are liable to ensure availability of a substitution vessel nor to indemnify the Charterer for consequential damage (as for example for travel and / or accommodation costs) incurred by Charterer.


Ascertainment of Damages     


9. If any accident or damage occurs, the Charterer shall immediately report the event to the Owner and request from the nearest port Authority to ascertain the damage or accident and the circumstances in which it has been caused and to make a written record and statement about it.

Cancellation and/or Termination    


10. In the event of cancellation of the charter by the Charterer, for any reason, except as mentioned in Clause 2 (c) (III), after signing this Agreement, the following cancellation policy will apply depending on the time-interval between the booking confirmation and the cancellation date:


a. Cancellation fee of 30% of the total charter fee (without options), for bookings cancelled after signing the contract and in time period up to 90 days prior to boat embarkation.


b. Cancellation fee of 50% of the total charter fee (without options), for bookings cancelled within a period of 41-89 days prior to boat embarkation


c. Cancellation fee of 100% of the total fee (without options), for bookings cancelled in a period less than 40 days prior to boat embarkation.


d. No-Show Cancellation: 100% of all amounts including charter price, mandatory/optional extras and any crew is due.

In case that the yacht under cancellation is re-chartered to another Charterer for the same period and under the same conditions only the dossier expenses of €200 will be charged. In the event that the Charterer should elect to terminate the charter and deliver the yacht prior to the date designated in this Agreement, the Owner shall not be liable to the return of any proportional part of the hire money.


Arbitration of Disputes    


11. Complaints & Disputes


a. Complaints about equipment or services while on board must be notified in writing the same day or up to 24 hours from time of occurrence to ND Sails Base Manager and not after the charter period has ended. Complaints made after the charter period will be disregarded. Any claim or complaint after such period, may be rejected and the claimant shall forfeit his right to any (damage or cost) compensation.


b. Should the Yacht become an actual or constructive total loss before the charter commencement date period, then all amounts collected from Charterer under this Agreement shall be due for immediate reimbursement to Charterer. In any such event neither Owner nor Agents are liable to ensure availability of a substitution vessel nor to indemnify the Charterer for consequential damage (as for example for travel &/or accommodation costs) incurred by Charterer under provisions of this Agreement.


d. In the event of any dispute arising between the parties hereto with respect to this Agreement or anything herein contained the same shall be referred to two Arbitrators in Greece one to be appointed by each party, whose decision shall be final or to an Umpire to be appointed by such Arbitrators, if and when they shall disagree. In such an event, the decision of the Umpire to be final.


Personal Data


12. I hereby agree and express my voluntary, unequivocal and informed consent that my personal data which I have provided to ND Sails, shall be processed by ND Sails for any purposes of carrying out my charter. The consent for the processing expressed hereby includes the following personal data: name and surname, passport or any identity card data, registered address, banking details, facial image, email, and telephone numbers.




13. The boat is being delivered cleaned and sterilized upon signing this contract and the Owner or the Agent has no legal responsibility if a case of Covid-19 will be detected among the crew members of this charter.


Security Deposit Payment


14. As per Charter Party Terms, Charterer will provide at Base before embarkation a Security Deposit as per Owner Offer; payment by credit card, VISA or MasterCard only (no debit cards).


The Security Deposit applies per insurable event (damage or loss). If the yacht is returned without damages, the deposit is released back to Charterer. For damages of an amount less than Security Deposit, Owner retains the amount required for repairs and the balance is released back to Charterer. For damages in amounts more than the Security Deposit, Owner retains full amount of Security Deposit.


This means that should an incident occur, in order to be covered against a second incident, the Charterer must replenish the Security Deposit to the initial amount. In any other case, Owner may treat the charter agreement as repudiated by Charterer and end the charter.


Security Deposit Visa or MasterCard, between €2200 and €3500, amount depending on particular yacht.



Early & Late check in Procedures

15. In the case the client requests an early or late check in and the owner agrees under the following terms:

Regarding the early check in, if the yacht is returned from the previous charter without any damages that will cause any excess delay, then the yacht is set in priority preparation to be provided to the Charterer for an additional fee of €200 and which the client will start the check in process (including the briefing) at 14:00 instead of 17:00.

Regarding the late check in, if the Charterer decided for his/her decisions to arrive to the base after 20:00 on the first day of the charter party, or in the morning of the next as stated in the charter parry, in which the check in procedure will be done on agreed time with a surcharge of €100.


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